Friday 9 October 2015

Tracking & Arc Shots

Welcome back! Today, I will demonstrate and explain tracking and arc shots! 


A tracking shot is a smooth alternative for filming someone walking for example. Filming this handheld can be very shaky therefore using a track and a stand in which the tripod sits on, enables camera man to film the person walking much more smoothly. This will effect the person who is watching because then they can clearly see the person walking. 

As part of our learning we attempted to use a tracking shot!



An arc shot is very similar to a tracking shot. The tripod is mounted onto a stand which has 3 wheels in which can be moved freely. If we delve into maths, an arc is a segment of the circumference of a circle. Therefore, when filming we placed the subject at the center of the circle and filmed in an arc motion.


Next time: I will demonstrate 3-point lighting! See you then!