Saturday 3 October 2015

Basic Editing

Welcome back! Today I will talk about basic editing! this consists of Straight Edits, Split Edits and Match-on-Action.

A straight edit is when you take a single piece of film and audio and cut it straight down the middle. At this point another piece of video and audio can be placed next to it to create a straight cut.


A split edit is a good way to move the viewer from once scene to the next. in a split edit, the audio transition at a different time to the video.


A match-on-action is when one movement is split between two video clips. For example, if you film someone walking through a door then you must film them walking through it twice. Therefore, the video will cut when they are half way through the door to the other side to see them walk through it. In conclusion, this edit gives continuity to certain movements of subjects.


Next time: I will talk about my preliminary task! See you then!