Monday 8 February 2016

Shooting on Location Diary - Day 1

Welcome back! We've not talked in a very long time, and that is because we have been filming, editing and presenting our rough cut, Somnium! In this post, I will presenting to you the first of two 'vlogs' in which we filmed alongside the filming of our product. These 'vlogs' are exclusive footage from behind the scenes! 


Day 1 consisted of a 3 hour time slot to film the POV with Ian walking into the house and into the kitchen to greet Jane, with a few pieces of dialogue to finish the day off. But, just to make it formal here is how the day was scheduled:

So, here is our first of 2 'vlogs':


The day was relatively successful, we started with Marc (Ian) handling the camera because it was a POV in which, the camera would start by pointing towards the house then tilting down into Marc's feet while he walks towards the house.

However, when we came to film the shot / reverse shot, Tam's cat had a fit in which prevented us from filming at our desired location any further. Because of this we had to change location very, very quickly as time was running out. Luckily one of our actors, Sara, allowed us to use her home as our new location.

Due to all of this, we had to record the POV and dialogue at Sara's home before the time ran out which was hectic to say the least.

Next time: Shooting on Location Day 2!